Q: I can’t find the instructions for use. Where can I find the information?
We provide the instruction manual as a part of the medical device. If you do not have the instructions, contact us on +91 9552100679 / +91 832-2733833 or send an email to info@ansanmedical.com and we shall get back to you immediately.

Q: Who can write a prescription for a medical device?
Each state has laws and regulations that determine who can write a prescription for a medical device in that state.

Q: Who do I contact if my device breaks or doesn’t work properly?
Make sure you have our phone numbers along with that for your homecare agency and doctor if your device is not working properly. You should report to your doctor regarding the problem with your medical device. Contact us on +91 9552100679 / +91 832-2733833 or send an email to info@ansanmedical.com and we shall get back to you immediately.

Q: Have a new product idea or a suggestion about an existing product?
We accept unsolicited ideas on products or services that meet certain criteria. Suggestions, proposals, product concepts, and the like must be submitted online via email on info@ansanmedical.com.

Q. How can I get a Quote?
To receive a quote please provide us with necessary details on the contact us page available on our website http://www.ansanmedical.com/index.html and we shall get back. Or give us a call on +91 9552100679 / +91 832-2733833